Competing Against The Big Guys…
Independent car wash operators get buying power… A lot of independent businesses join forces in order to compete in the marketplace. From independent food retailers, hardware stores, and service providers – to independent insurance agencies and realtors. These markets frequently band together to leverage each other in order to better market themselves and compete with…
It’s Customer Loyalty Month – Are you Prepared?
What is Customer Loyalty? International Customer Loyalty Month is a time when companies and their employees can be reminded to make an extra push to create loyal customers. Loyalty is what keeps someone coming back for more and choosing you over the competition. Creating loyalty is about a continuous effort that creates customer confidence and…
What’s In Car Wash Memberships?
Car wash memberships have been fueling the industry over the last several years. Largely, unlimited car wash membership programs. But what’s in it for the operator? Are there benefits to unlimited? Or should there be other ways to provide “membership” without what some may consider drawbacks of an unlimited program? And can we deliver other…
Contact-Free Payment System Update
Contactless payments are emerging as a preferred method of currency payments because of their security, speed, and reliability. Security, Speed and Reliability… Contactless payments are emerging as a preferred method of currency payments because of their security, speed, and reliability. They have gained popularity in recent years due to the privacy concerns they address. Although…
Tap-to-Pay is Here to Stay
It’s here. Sooner than you think –Tap-to-Pay is here to stay. A recent Visa Back to Business Study found that safety influenced how 78% of global consumers pay due to the pandemic.Visa’s research also found that 46% of global consumers think “using contactless payment methods is among the most important safety measures for stores to follow.” That’s…