Who Pays Less For an Airline Ticket, The Frequent Flier or Grandma?
An unlimited wash program might be like some frequent flier rewards — the least loyal user gets the lowest price! An unlimited wash program might be like some frequent flier rewards — the least loyal user gets the lowest price! The real fact about some loyalty programs is that the frequent user – the most…
Ultimate Pain – Where’s the Gain?
Your loyalty programs should always be a profit center instead of a cost center. Read about how unlimited wash clubs affect you. No doubt about it, unlimited car wash programs are the ‘buzz’ in the industry, and they definitely can have a place in the marketing plans of a car wash operator. Unlimited plans can…
Dust In The Wind
The month of June was particularly dusty from an incredible phenomenon. If you thought the month of June felt dustier than normal, guess what – you were right!!! Why? Well, a little-known fact that can help bring more people to your car wash is this; dust from the Sahara Desert is picked up as “Saharan…
The Most Valuable Real Estate in the United States
You may not realise the real estate in your wash is valuable Supermarket retail executives and their suppliers like to say that the most valuable real estate in the world is the shelving in a supermarket. Consumer products companies vie for the most preferred placement on the shelves. They can expect to pay high slotting…
Summer Car Wash Upgrades Lead to Fall Profits
Summer is a great time to upgrade your carwash Summer is officially here and it’s time to head to the lake! Or, if you’re like most business owners, take advantage of a little down time. The warm weather and long summer days make for great vacations, trips to the beach, and fun with the family.…