Category: WashCard

  • Getting Real About How Consumers Want To Pay

    I never thought I would resist touching a payment key pad in a Target store, want to sanitize my hands after paying for my house paint at Home Depot, or thought twice about keying in my zip code when I am purchasing gasoline. The only “don’t leave home without it” item in my life right…

  • Creating Valuable Fundraisers

    Getting your car wash business up and running can be difficult. When you have spent weeks or months setting up all the tools you need for your business, you simply want to start successfully. One easy way to get moving on the right foot is to promote using car wash fundraisers with your local schools,…

  • Mobile Taking Over Credit

    While it may seem that many people are hesitant to use their phone for payments, the trend is certainly moving forward. The market for mobile payments is growing quickly in the United States and is especially growing in Canada. Smartphones have replaced Canadians’ maps, alarms, translators, and personal trainers. Wallet’s surely could be the next…

  • Tips for Success In Mobile Marketing

    Car wash operators nееd tо аdарt thеіr mаrkеtіng аnd аdvеrtіsіng strаtеgу tо а busіnеss аrеnа іn whісh mоbіlе dеvісе activity іs skуrосkеtіng. Mobile activity is rising more and more each year so it is important marketing tactics meet the needs of those who are on mobile. We have put together some great tips for how…

  • Eco-Friendly At The Car Wash

    HELP THE ENVIRONMENT WHILE HELPING YOUR BUSINESS As global warming and water crisis have risen over the last several years and decades, so has the idea of being more conscious about our environment in the car wash. The number of businesses moving to be more environmentally friendly is growing. Each of us has an individual…