Category: WashCard

  • Loyalty: Why It Helps Your Business

    LOY·AL·TY ˈloiəltēnounthe quality of being loyal to someone or something.a strong feeling of support or allegiance. For years, companies have been trying to perfect the way a loyalty program can best fit their customers. There is no exact or perfect equation for creating a loyalty program. However, there is a lot of evidence saying no…

  • RFID & How To Get The Biggest Bang For Your Buck

    FIRST OF ALL, WHAT IS RFID? RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. In short, it is a small chip. It is typically capable of carrying 2,000 bytes of data or less. The chip allows a reading device to serve the same purpose as a barcode or magnetic strip on the back of a credit card. It provides…

  • Reimagining The Self Serve Car Wash Bay

    WHERE IT ALL STARTED The self-serve car wash has been in existence for decades in the United States. Since the idea of self-serve gas pumps became ever more popular in the 1930’s, self-serve car washes were quick to follow suit. Most customers were willing to pump their own gas in order to save themselves a…

  • Generate More Revenue With Car Wash Email Marketing

    Car wash email marketing is something all operators must consider when thinking about any kind of marketing strategy. It is the granddaddy of the internet. Car wash email marketing can provide you ways to communicate to your customers in interactive and positive ways. As one of the most powerful elements in any marketing toolbox, it’s…

  • Simple Car Wash Marketing

    “BUT IT’S SO COMPLICATED” The one thing I hear over and over from operators is that “social media is hard”, or “car wash marketing is too complicated”, or “I don’t know how to do it”. My response to them, every time, is “it doesn’t have to be”. If you’re reading this and have that same response…