In our newest customer profile, we sit down with Brian Croft, the owner of Classic Auto Wash located in Claxton, GA to talk about how UWashApp has changed his business and made running his car wash so much easier.
Brian has one location with services that include an Automatic, 3 self serve bays, and 4 vacuums that all run on the UWashApp. Brian was looking to do something new and exciting at his wash, but didn’t want the hefty price tag of a new entry station. As many operators know, new entry stations can cost around $15,000 and above. With some background experience of seeing consumers use a phone app to make vending purchases, he started looking for a solution for his car wash too. UWash allows him to add touch-free payments, and create beneficial add-ons for his customers like free vacuums and Rain Check washes.
Rain Check Washes
Through Rain Check, Brian has been able to add additional income he would have never seen prior to UWash. He’s also getting new customers to his location. He says “What’s so great about it [Rain Check] is that on our old pay station we couldn’t even offer any advanced services without going up on all of them at the same time. We didn’t even have a $14 wash before UWash.”
The Ease of Using The App
The ability and ease of starting any of his services has also helped him relieve any issues with customers on refunds or equipment not working. “I can be on vacation or at the beach or fishing…and get a call from someone at the car wash…and I can just turn it on from my phone…Nobody loses any money and nobody’s complaining or fussing. To me this has been the cleanest fix for refunds.”