When we launched our UWashApp in April of 2020, we knew that car wash operators who used our customized cell phone app would be able to get a lot more data about their customers and where their profits came from because of the better reporting coming through our WashCard software. And it has proven true. We’re all learning a lot about what wash customers want.
Take rain check programs for example.
There are a lot of people who are meticulous about having a clean vehicle, and they are willing to purchase ‘Rain Check Insurance’ to protect the investment they make keeping their car or truck clean.
In a recent data scan of UWashApp users, the facts are that only 2% of these “insurance policies” have been redeemed. That means that for every $100 you sell, only $2 get redeemed. Insurance is a profitable business!
Rain Check Programs are a great guest convenience for your customers who really want them, and the facts are that people are willing to purchase them with the understanding that they may not ever redeem them.
So, Rain Checks contribute to your operations cash flow, simply because your customer pays for the opportunity to wash in advance.
And, Rain Checks contribute to you profitability because, like any insurance policy, there are a lot of premiums that are never paid out in washes – and that helps build your operating profits.
There are a lot of lessons to be learned from other industries, that we can apply to the car wash business; and the Rain Check is definitely a great example.
Rain Check is just one of the services enhanced with the UWashApp – which now also has a great Fleet and Commercial program.
Please call us at 651-661-9710.
Interested in rain headed your way? Visit the National Weather Service forecast here!!: