You may not realise the real estate in your wash is valuable

Supermarket retail executives and their suppliers like to say that the most valuable real estate in the world is the shelving in a supermarket. Consumer products companies vie for the most preferred placement on the shelves. They can expect to pay high slotting fees to get a facing and then provide promotional support to keep their products on the shelves. And it’s worth it – especially for a well-positioned, quality product.
There is real estate in a car wash that is just as valuable – it is the real estate around the point of sale; the place where the consumer, the service options, and the payment method all come together.
So, what are some key things consumers are thinking that could help you in your car wash business? According to MarketingDive, here are some trends from late 2021 worth noting.
- In 2021, 75% of consumersalteredtheir brand preferences
- Many (41%) feel that brands and retailers should find solutions to prevent rising prices
- 62% of shoppers have joined story loyalty programs
All this is good news if you are in the hunt for new customers.
First, if brand preferences are shifting, it spells opportunity. Time to sharpen up marketing, advertising, promotions or your operation. Consumer attitudes are shifting, and that means it’s a good time to be aggressive.
Inflation is hammering consumers right now – and will be in the foreseeable future. Make sure you have a wash package that hits the price point needed to hang onto valuable traffic. Even if folks are washing less often due to budgets, hang onto what you can while you build ‘must-wash’ programs like fleet and commercial clients.
Finally, loyalty is king. If you don’t have a good “high tech” loyalty program – get one! Mobile app based the WashCard UWashApp is a good example. It provides payment capability to consumers in the ways they want to pay, plus, it provides all the components of a good loyalty program.
Get more customers, more often, spending more. It’s easy to set up customized marketing programs like these for your car wash.
- 1st Wash Free: Get more traffic – sign up more members
- Invite-a-Friend: Customer referrals are the best advertising
- Star Rewards: Get more visits from each customer
- Free Vacuum: Kick-start customers spending more with you
- Anniversary Wash: Reward loyalty – and you’ll get more loyalty
These programs all need to be promoted heavily right at the point-of-sale. Where the customer, the cash, and the ‘start wash’ button come together.
Get to work on better signage and a better offering where the rubber meets the road.
See the article on point of sale value here: