Category: WashCard

  • Payment Trends in 2019 | Part 2

    Welcome back to our very first two-part blog series. This one was just too good not to continue on. The trends of 2019 are really going to blow past payment trends out of the water. To sum up our last blog, experience, business accounts, and Generation Z are the major factors to payment changes in 2019. These…

  • Payment Trends in 2019 | Part 1

    Our first TWO PART blog! Why two parts? Because there is a lot of great information on the payment industry and a lot of changes that will be happening in 2019. Let’s dive in. Back in 2017, we wrote about payment technology changes in the industry. It was then predicted that by 2020 we would see…

  • Three Reasons You Should Attend A Car Wash Trade Show

    It’s almost that time of year when some of the biggest car wash trade shows come around. There are many reasons to attend any one of them, from having a break from your day-to-day commitments, the appeal of going to a new city (possibly), and being able to take a bigger look at the industry.…

  • Creating A Great Car Wash Experience

    Customer experience has fast become a top priority for businesses and 2019 and beyond will be no different. But, why are so many companies focusing on the customer experience? And what happens to companies that choose to ignore it? When it comes to washing cars, some would think it’s all simply about getting a clean vehicle…

  • Holiday Loyalty Options For Car Washes

    During the holiday season, giving back is what it’s all about. Right? This holiday season, we want to help you give back to your customers with a few ideas on holiday loyalty bonuses. Having loyalty options has a wide range of benefits for your customers, and you! Truly, from our family to yours, we want your…